Home Learning

Friday 2nd Dec 22


On Wednesday your child bought home their next reading book. This book has been read in school with them following the Little Wandle Scheme – it is directly matched to your child’s reading ability. We will read your child’s new Little Wandle book in school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The book sent home on Wednesday is now for you to read and follow up at home.  Your child has also bought home a school library book of their choice – this is not matched to their reading ability and is therefore a book to share together.

We visit the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays where they can be changed .

Please record ALL reading in your child’s reading record so that we can see that reading, story sharing or other reading for pleasure has taken part every day at home.

Reading records and reading books are expected to be bought into school every day to be monitored and to record when your child has read in school.



We are continuing to learn words taken from the Year 1 National Curriculum. These are ‘common exception’ words that your child is expected to be able to spell independently in their writing by the end of Year 1. You will notice that some of these words your child is familiar with from Reception. Please practise writing the words below together.

We will ‘test’ these spellings next Friday. The scores will be in your child’s reading record for you to see and to continue practising any words that they need further support with. We will continue to learn these words in Year 1 using our spelling list to support when writing.

This weeks words are..

so                                   by

A copy of the Year 1 National Curriculum ‘common exception’ words been sent home. You can also access the list in the link below.




This week we have finished looking at addition and subtraction. As you know we have been working within 10 this unit – however we will be using our addition and subtraction knowledge when looking at greater numbers as we move through the year.

Your child has come home with a list of addition and subtraction questions that are muddled up. Please support at home to read the number sentences together, focusing on recognising the symbols carefully and accurately. If you are looking at an addition number sentence, the answer (the whole) will be greater than the numbers you are adding together (the parts). If the number sentence is focused on subtraction, the answer will be less than/ smaller than the number that you start on.

It is really important to keep reinforcing this as it helps us to identify if we have made a mistake.

You can use the number line sent home, objects or draw images to help you. All of these are techniques that we have learnt in school when looking at our addition and subtraction unit.