Home Learning

Friday 2nd December 2021


Over the next few weeks we are recapping year 1 common exception words.

Your child has bought home in their reading records the Year 1 common exception word list. We will continue to work on these over the year so please do not feel like they should know them all!! You can support at home by reading through the words and helping your child to recognize and find them by sight.

For example – can you put your finger on ‘by’. Or can you show me where ‘house’ is on the list.

We will be using this list in school when we are writing. The focus will be on finding the words quickly and accurately to then use in writing rather than knowing them all off the top of their head.

The list is also attached in the link below.




This week we have focused on number bonds to 10. These are 2 numbers which add together to make ten, for example 1 and 9 or 8 and 2. We have used the Numberblocks episode ‘ten again’ to support with this and your child has bought home some number bond ice creams to practise matching together and saying number bonds aloud at home.


Thanks for your continued support