Spellings – this week we will practice some tricky words again. Hopefully you will all know these from reception, so it will be a case of recapping them at home. Lots of us can read these words by sight which is great – we now need to spell them correctly in our writing.
We will test spellings next Friday. We will not send test scores home, however we will be discussing their progress at parents evenings later in the term.
This week we have been comparing numbers using more than less than and equal too.
At home can you use objects to compare numbers. We have been focusing how to organise objects and how this makes it easier to see before you even start counting. For example, if you line the objects up one above the other, like the cubes below you can see straight away that there are more green cubes than yellow ones. It is more difficult to spot when they are grouped together…
Keep practicing this at home. It is really important that your child is confident organising and representing numbers, this activity will support that.
Thanks for your continued support.