Home Learning

Friday 4th – Spellings to be tested Friday 11th


These are tricky words that cannot be sounded out phonetically.







This week we have been adding by counting on.

Tell your child that you have a certain amount of objects in a box and then you are given more. For example…

‘ I have 6 beads in my box. If I was given 2 more how many would I have?’

The aim here is that you are encouraging them to count on from 6. Rather than counting in 1’s starting at 1 each time. Once they are confident with numbers up to 20 you can move onto higher numbers. Ones where you need to cross over into the next lot of tens are always tricky. For example ‘ I have 35 sweets in my bag. If I buy 7 more how many would I have?’ Here you are crossing over from numbers in the 30’s to numbers in the 40’s.

Thanks for your continued support