Please continue to read at home over half term. Your child has bought home their learning to read book as usual and a new library book. You can also share your favourite stories at home or make up stories of your own.
Please remember to record these in your reading record as usual.
This half term we have been looking at the common exception words below. Please continue to practise these at home. We will be practising these words throughout year 1 so please don’t worry if your child is not confident with all of them straight away.
the a do to today of said says are were
You could practise these words by…
- writing them and sticking them up around the house. For example going up the stairs, saying one word for each step.
- rainbow writing – write the same word over and over again in lots of different colours.
- write the words twice and cut them up, make them into ‘snap’ cards.
The key concepts that we have learnt his half term are;
- comparing objects using greater than, less than and equal too
- breaking numbers into ‘parts’ and the ‘whole’
- starting to look at reading and writing number sentences
Below are some videos from White Rose Maths. These videos follow the same structure of our lessons and teach concepts in the same way we have been learning about in class. Watch the videos together at home and talk about the mathematical vocabulary. This will help to consolidate the learning so far and support your child to build upon these concepts when we come back to school after half term.
After half term we are going to start looking at some computing. We will start our first unit ‘Technology Around Us’ looking at different uses of technology in our homes and at school. The children will learn about the basic parts of a computer and begin to log in using the keyboard and the mouse-pad independently on the Chromebooks. Over the unit we will also learn how to use the computers and technology safely.
Thanks for your continued support