Home Learning

Spelling and Maths

This week’s words to learn are:






Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum and are ‘tricky words’ that cannot be sounded out phonetically.



This week we have been focusing on counting to zero. In your child’s reading record is a ‘tens strip’. We have been using these this week to support counting backwards from any given number -up to 10- back down to zero. You can use any objects – a selection of different objects is great as it helps to emphasis the focus on quantity and the fact that all objects do not have to be the same.

There are some pictures above that show how we have used these ‘tens sticks’ in class.

It is really important that your child is confident counting backwards from any given number not always starting at 10. Once they are confident you can support them by talking about the relationship between different numbers.

For example looking at  9 , 8 , 7 , 6…

8 is one more than 7. 7 is one less than 8.. using what you already know about counting backwards, what would one less than 6 be? can you see the pattern? etc.


Thanks for your support