Home Learning

Spellings and Maths Facts

Spellings for over the May Half Term are:

Sparkly Spellers






Super Spellers






Once you have learned all of your spellings, please practise putting each word into a sentence.

They will be tested on Friday 7th June.


If you have a Lexia Login please try to do some at home – we are all trying to meet our weekly targets. It doesn’t matter if you have already met yours; the more you do, the better you get – and it would be fantastic to see year 3 on the Lexia Leaderboard in Mrs Wood’s 2%er assembly on Thursday!

If you finish your reading book you can complete the quiz at home. Don’t forget you can quiz on your library book or home books too. (Not all books have quizzes but it’s worth typing in the title to check). Remember to take your time and think about the correct answer as you can only quiz once per book.


To help consolidate learning from this half term, I would like your child to practise these 12 key facts to help support their understanding of fractions:

  1. ½ of 100 = 50

  2. ½ of 1000 = 500

  3. ¼ of 100 = 25

  4. ¼ 1000 = 250

  5. ⅕ of 100 = 20

  6. ⅕ of 1000 = 200

  7. 100 divided by 2 = 50

  8. 1000 divided by 2 = 500

  9. 100 divided by 4 = 25

  10. 1000 divided by 4 = 250

  11. 100 divided by 5 = 20

  12. 1000 divided by 5 = 200

They will be tested on Friday 7th June. 

Of course we still encourage your child to practise their times tables via TT Rockstars – please click on the link provided. As we approach the end of year 3, it is really important that your child focuses more closely on learning their 3, 4, and 8 times tables in addition to their 2s, 5s and 10s.

Have a fantastic break, Year 3 and a very well-deserved rest. I am already looking forward to a fun-filled, final half term in Year 3 once you’re back! 

See you soon!

Miss Hutton 🙂