Home Learning

Spellings and Mental Maths

All home learning will be set here every Friday and will be tested the following Friday.


This week’s words to learn are:






Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum lists, these are words your child has to know by the end of Year 5.   Please encourage them to practice at home during the week, and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.  The tests are linked to spelling objectives and learning during the week.

Mental Maths

This week the children will be tested on:

Converting metric units of measures

The children will be given these 12 units of length and asked to use their knowledge of multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, 1000 to convert them.

25mm = 2.5cm

120mm = 12cm

70cm = 0.7m

350cm = 3.5m

642m = 6m 42cm

945m = 9m 45cm

4200m = 4.2km

7600m = 7.6m

500g = 0.5kg

1200g = 1k 200g

7300g = 7.3kg

8490g = 8kg 490g

On Friday after school, please ask your child their score, we’ll send it home on a slip of paper.