Home Learning

Spellings and Mental Maths.

All home learning will be set here every Friday and will be tested the following Friday.


This week’s words to learn are:






Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum lists, these are words your child has to know by the end of Year 5.   Please encourage them to practice at home during the week, and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.  The tests are linked to spelling objectives and learning during the week.

Mental Maths

This week the children will be tested on:

3x, 4x and 5x tables facts

The children will be tested on a combination of all times tables facts learnt this half term from:

1 x 3 = 3 up to 12 x 5 = 60.

Please also remember to complete 20 minutes of sessions in Garage on TT Rockstars!

On Friday after school, please ask your child their score, we’ll send it home on a slip of paper.

Half Term Learning!

We hope you all have a wonderful week of very well deserved rest and fun.

Remember to read every day, we love to hear about the books you have enjoyed at home.

Log on to TT Rockstars as often as you can as well and see if you can improve your personal best times!

We will be voting for School Councillors and Eco councillors to represent Year 5 on our return to school.  If you feel you could represent your class as an honest, reliable and suitable Councillor, then please prepare a little speech or presentation to convince your Year 5 constituents that you deserve their vote!

Please also have a look through the Stargazers Knowledge Organiser we have sent home and record any research you may wish to carry out in preparation for our new topic of learning next term.

If you would like to do some fun reading for pleasure related to our upcoming Stargazers topic, please see the attached reading list below: