Home Learning

Spellings and times tables


Super spellers

bath  path  after  before  again

Sparkly spellers

myth gym egypt pyramid mystery

Lexia and Reading

We are awesome readers in Year 3!

If you have a Lexia login please try to do some Lexia over the weekend. Here is the link 

If you finish your book and want to do a quiz here is the link

Please try to do some reading over the weekend. If you read a different book, put that in your Reading Record too so we can see what you’ve been reading.


This week please practise quick recall of the 3 times table up to 12 x 3. The questions will be set out like ? x 3 = 21

Try to log in to TT Rockstars to practise… here’s the link


Have fun over the weekend. Stay safe and we will see you next week.

Mr Price and Mrs Wood