Home Learning

Spellings, Mental Maths and Topic

All home learning will be set here every Friday and will be tested the following week .


This week’s words to learn are:







Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum lists, these are words your child has to know by the end of Year 6.   Please encourage them to practice at home during the week, and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.  The tests are linked to spelling objectives and learning during the week.

Mental Maths

This week the children will be tested on:

All multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 = 144.

On Friday after school, please ask your child their score, we’ll send it home on a slip of paper.


Project Home Learning

Next half term, we will be starting our new project ‘Tomorrow’s World’. To support your child with their learning, your child may want to work through some activities which will enable them to get the most out of their project learning. Please note: these activities are optional.

Please see below a list of activities your child may wish to complete:

Choose two significant developers or inventors. Examples include Bill Gates, Tim Berners-Lee, Sheryl Sandberg, Susan Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg or Julielynn Wong. Find out about and record their contributions to the technological world. Whose contribution do you think is the most important? You might like to create a presentation to present your findings to family or friends.

Visit the kid’s website DKfindout! Navigate around the website, exploring some of its webpages on various subjects. Evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of the website by answering the questions.
• What is the purpose of this website and why was it created?
• Who is this website aimed at, and how have the developers made it suitable for their audience?
• What features are effective on this website, and why?
• Imagine that you are a developer for this website. Is there anything that you would add or change to improve the website?

Visit the website National Geographic Kids, and explore its webpages. Then, answer the questions.
• How is this website similar to the DKfindout! website?
• How is this website different from the DKfindout! website?
• Which website do you prefer? Why?

Talk with a family member about rules for online safely. Visit the UK Safer Internet Centre’s website and read the SMART rules for using the internet. Afterwards, use what you have learned to create a poster to encourage people to stay safe online, explaining how they can achieve this.

A drone is a small aircraft that is controlled by somebody on the ground. The  military use drones for surveillance tasks. Who else might use drones, and for what purpose? Make a list of tasks that drones could do, then answer the
• How do drones performing these tasks benefit people, businesses or the environment?
• What might be the negative aspects of using drone technology?
Write a newspaper article giving a reasoned argument for the use of drones.
Include a headline, the date, a byline and relevant facts.

List robotic or programmable devices found in the home, in the local area and the wider world. Examples include heating thermostats, traffic lights and bomb disposal robots. Then, write a summary to explain how these devices have improved the lives of people who use them.

Find out about the latest robotic technology inventions, such as RoboSimian, Ai-Da Robot, Pepper of SoftBank robotics and the robots made by the company Phoneix Control Systems Limited. Think about how technology and robots can
change and improve what humans can achieve. Design and invent a device or robot that could carry out a task that you think would be necessary for the future. Write a paragraph to explain what your robot is called and can do. Write another paragraph to explain its impact on people, a business, the environment, or the world.

Useful websites:

DKfindout! – Invention of the telephone – Telephone Facts
Britannica Kids – Technology and Invention – Homework Help
BBC Bitesize – Ten amazing scientific and technological breakthroughs of the 2010s
BBC News – Five robots that are changing everything
BBC Four – Hyper Evolution: Rise of the Robots
BBC Bitesize – What makes a good webpage?
BBC Bitesize – Computer science – KS2 Computing



If you child is using Lexia, please click the link below for them to access their Lexia learning at home.
