Home Learning

Thursday 21st May 2020


‘Today we are focusing on the ‘oa’ sound. You know what to do!!

Remember, it is not a problem if you cannot print this off. Just use the images and write the words in your writing book.

alternate oa



It is still important to read at home. 10 – 15 minutes each day will continue to make a big difference to your child’s reading. If you would like to swap your books please email Mrs Woods who will arrange this for you.

Her email address is    cwood@southill.dorset.sch.uk


English – Deadly 60

Today I would like to to find out about a new and exciting animal – perhaps one that you have never heard of before.

Follow the link below, choose an episode that takes your interest.


Can you write a very simple recount of the espidoe that you watched.. including some of your favourite facts. For example…

In Deadly 60 Steve saw a Salt Water Crocodile. He got in the water with is camera to film it eating dinner. He learnt how to catch one as well! Did you know that they hunt at night?

Remember – use the sound mats that were sent home to support sounding out. Not all words need to be spelt correctly, but they do need to be sounded out. Focus on applying – ed and -ly at the end of words.


Maths – time

In Focus – page 96.  As your child if they can think of an activity that would take 1 second. Have a go at some of them, be very clear about which activities would/do take one second and which ones would/do not. Then ask what they would think takes 1 minute and 1 hour.

Lets learn – follow the activities which help model duration of different times. Next there is an activity to do in groups but you can do it in pairs.

Guided practice- the emphasis is on the passage of time and deciding how long a specific activity takes. The terms ‘weeks’ and ‘days’ are introduced here, which should be explored to determine activities that can take that length of time.

Workbook – complete work book page 110.