Home Learning

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Today’s sound to recap is /ue/. This is a digraph which means two letters working together to make one sound. The U and the E making the /oo/ sound, for example in the word ‘glue’. It is usually seen at the end of words.
Visit phonics play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk you will find the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’ in the ‘free phonics play’ section. Click on ‘Phase 5’ which is down the side of the screen on a pink tab and then scroll down to the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’ you then need to select ‘Phase 5’ again and it will ask you to choose your sound. Today choose ‘ue’. We have played this at school so the children will be familiar with it.

Next Segment and write these words together…. glue    clue    blue   true
Finally write a silly sentence using these words. For example, Is it true that glue can be true?  Think about the type of punctuation that you will need.



Following the same structure as yesterday can you create your own word bank. You will need an adult support this.

Start with ‘The’ and ‘A’ the same as the one that was sent home. Next can you think of some different adjectives together…. for example cross out ‘silly’ and write ‘smelly’ …  continue this for the word bank. It is absolutely fine for parents to support spelling although I would encourage children to sound out the best that they can.

Once you have completed the word bank – start building your sentences the same as yesterday. Why not set a challenge? You could use a timer on your phone or a sand timer if you have one….

How many sentences can you write in 10minutes?

Parents you could be the teacher… of course you will make some silly mistakes!! Ask you child to look over what you have written and suggest some improvements, they love doing this at school!! Perhaps you could miss out some fingerspaces or a capital letter. Start writing off of the line in the middle of the page ( they think that is hilarious) or add capital letters in the middle of words. We usually start off with one thing that has been done well and then suggest some improvements.



Please reapeat activites from yesterday. In particular the guided practice and using the tens frames. Doubling is a tricky concept and it is vital that the children have a good understanding before moving on.

You can show these as repeated addition which can help support understanding. I have added the repeated addition next to the activity in green to give you some examples.

You could try some of these activites ….

Drawing ladybirds- show the dots on one side. Can you double by adding the same amount to the other side?

Paint doubling– draw a butterfly and then fold it in half. Open it back out, add some dots on one wing , for example 3. Now fold it in half again. Those 3 dots should now be on both sides when you open the pictures back up!  3 +  3 = 6

Making towers – make a tower of blocks, for example 5. Ask your child, ‘can you make a tower that is double the height of mine’. Reinforce that double is ‘exactly the same again’.   5 + 5 = 10

Mirror – ask you child to get some objects, it is best if they are all the same. For example 2 blue Lego pieces. Now place a mirror in front, you can see exactly the same. This is showing double.   2  + 2 = 4