As it is a bank holiday tomorrow, here is this week’s spelling assessment. Please ask a grown up to read these sentences to you:
- I will call you later, we can talk then.
- My fluffy socks keep my feet warm.
- I always take my teddy to bed.
- Walk slowly towards the little kitten.
Please let us know how you got on.
Next week’s words are:
- kindness
English task
We have reached the end of our poetry writing unit. We hope you have enjoyed it. Today we would like you to have a look back at your poem and do some purple improvements. (Please don’t worry if you don’t have a purple pen – any colour that contrasts with the original writing will be fine!). Think about these three types of editing, which we do in school, when you improve your poem:
- corrections – make improvements to spellings and punctuation;
additions – can you add anything of value to your poem, for example some really well chosen adjectives;
substitutions – can you change anything to improve your poem (change a word to choose something more powerful).
Now we would like you to publish your poem. This can be done by writing it out in your neatest handwriting on a new page in your book, on a piece of paper or typing it up. When you have finished you could decorate round the edge of your poem or draw a picture. Now we would really like to see your final published poem so that we can put them all in a special blog next week so please ask your grown up to take a photo and email it to us. We are really looking forward to reading them.
Finally, we would like you to complete this review of the unit:
Arithmetic task
Let’s find out how well you know the five times table division facts! Please answer these questions and get a grown up to mark your answers:
10 ÷ 5 =
45 ÷ 5 =
60 ÷ 5 =
5 ÷ 5 =
30 ÷ 5 =
55 ÷ 5 =
15 ÷ 5 =
50 ÷ 5 =
25 ÷ 5 =
40 ÷ 5 =
35 ÷ 5 =
20 ÷ 5 =
Please let us know how you got on.
Next week’s mental arithmetic challenge will be counting in threes from 3 to 36 in preparation for learning the three times table facts. On Friday we will ask you to write out the multiples of three from 3 to 36.
Please remember to keep logging on to TT Rockstars – let’s win that competition!
Maths task
Here are the answers to yesterday’s review questions:
As we have now finished our work on money and tomorrow is VE Day and the start of a bank holiday weekend we have decided to start our next maths chapter on Monday. So today we are giving you a choice of maths activities. You could choose the rationing puzzles to try with your grown up. These are based around rationing during the Second World War or, if you would like some more money challenges, head over to the BBC home learning site for a video and related tasks on comparing money.
Activity Sheet – Rationing Puzzles(1)
Extra Reading Materials
If you need any extra reading please follow this link:
I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside
We hope you have a lovely weekend and if you are celebrating VE Day perhaps you could send us some photos.
Please get in touch via email if you have any questions or to share your work. We really enjoy seeing what you are doing. Please remember to share your photos of your published poem so that we can put them in a special poetry blog next week.
Happy learning!
Mrs Clark and Mrs Murray