Home Learning

Tuesday 12th May 2020

English task

Today, we will be continuing with our learning about ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and we’d first like you to tell the story again to someone at home using your story map to help.

We’d then like you to answer the questions in this link Day 2 about the story, writing your answers in your writing book. Think back to the discussion you had yesterday and use all of your ideas.

Remember these questions are asking for your opinion so there are no wrong answers. Be reflective, think carefully about each question and try to explain your answers as clearly as you can by explaining why.

Arithmetic task

Yesterday, we were starting to get familiar with the multiples of 3.

Today, we would like you to splat the multiples of three again using the ‘Splat Square’,


stop when you get to 36, and then write each number on a small piece of paper.

Then, turn the pieces of paper over so you can’t see the numbers and shuffle them up.

Next, turn over one piece of paper at a time and begin to put the numbers in order.

Once you have ordered your multiples of 3 in a line, point to each in turn, saying it aloud, counting up in 3s from 3 to 36 and back. Repeat it several times to help memorise the numbers.

Please keep your multiples of 3 number cards somewhere safe as we will use them again tomorrow.

Maths task

Here are the answers to yesterday’s worksheet pages.

Today, we would like you to look at Lesson 2 on page 184 of the Textbook which is all about being able to compare the volume of water using non-standard units of measurement (e.g. cupfuls.)

Start by talking to someone about the ‘In Focus’ task. Then read through the ‘Let’s Learn’ section to see how the Maths No Problem children measured the volume of each container.

Please have a go at the ‘Activity Time’ task if you are able to, using a cup or other small container to measure the volume of three or four other larger containers.

Then, work through the ‘Guided Practice’ section of the lesson, talking to someone about it and explaining your answers.

Finally, complete Worksheet 2 on pages 157-158 of the Workbook.

Topic Task – Wriggle and Crawl – Creating a habitat

This week, we’re going back to our topic of ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ and we’d like you to have a go at creating a minibeast home.

First, collect natural objects e.g. sticks, leaves, twigs, to put together in a small area/a box outside which would be suitable for minibeasts to live in. Then collect some minibeasts e.g. snails, spiders, worms, slugs, woodlice, and put them in the habitat you’ve created.

We’d then like you to take time to watch the minibeasts and see what they do.

Think of some questions you’d like to find the answers to e.g. Can worms climb? What is a slug’s favourite food? And see if you can find out the answers to these questions using your habitat, just like entomologists (scientists who study minibeasts.)

Please remember to take care of your minibeasts, giving them the things they need to survive as well as treating them with care and respect. Also remember to wash your hands when you have finished.

We look forward to seeing your habitats and finding out what you’ve discovered.

Extra Reading Material

If you are looking for something to read today, please head over to this link:

A Space Adventure Activity Card

We hope you have fun with the learning tasks and we look forward to finding out about your achievements.

Happy learning!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Clark