Home Learning

Weekly spellings and times tables

Weekly spellings and times tables


Remember to read every day and to record it in your Reading Record books. Have a lovely Christmas! Also, if you do Lexia at school, you can login at home. Simply click the link below:






In order to get the most out of our new topic next half term, why not have a go at some of the activities suggested below? They are optional, however they will help children to get the most out of their project next term…



The spellings for next week are:




They will be tested on Friday 7th January

Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum list of statutory words. These are words your child has to know by the end of Year 4 (they should be familiar with these as they also began learning them in Year 3). Please encourage your child to practice at home during the week, and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.

Times Tables


Coming home with your child this week are some Speed Table grids. They will need to have a go at completing as much of the grid as possible in 6 minutes.

They have done these before so should be pretty familiar with them. We will then test the children using the same grid on Friday 7th January.

Mr. Prior