Remote Education

In the event of a national lockdown or a group of children needing to self isolate (individuals, class groups or whole school), the school has a plan to ensure the curriculum continues to delivered to be children in the most appropriate way.

Our school uses Google Classroom to set and collect work from children at home. All parents have been sent account details for their children. If anyone needs a reminder, or has any technical issues, please get in touch with the school office.

The document below summarises the Remote Learning Plan for the school – this plan is currently under review

Remote Education Plan (pdf)

Online Resources for parents

Times Tables Rockstars

All children from Year 2 to Year 6 have a logon for Times Tables Rockstars. This is a fantastic website that supports children in learning their times tables.

When your child first logs in they should play in Garage mode. This has an automatic training mode which starts with easy times tables and as the children get them correct it adds in more and more times tables. This means that it is pitched at the right level for the children so they’re able to practise getting quicker at tables that they know rather than struggling over many that they don’t know.

Class teachers sometimes create battles between children in their class or children in other classes. Please encourage your child to take part. The added motivation of a competition really helps! TTRockstars login page.


Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an online portal containing many activities for a full range of subjects, mainly with a ‘computing’ theme. Each child has their own login and teachers can set tasks for the children. When children complete a task on Purple Mash they can submit it to their teacher who can comment on it. The login page is here.


White Rose Maths

We follow White Rose Maths in school and they are producing many home learning materials that run alongside the scheme that we are following.

We use these resources often when remote learning. The teacher will let you know which lesson you’d need to look at with your child.

Resources can be found at White Rose Maths Home Learning


Letters and Sounds Phonics Videos

We follow Letters and Sounds for teaching phonics in Reception class and Key Stage 1. Videos have been produced that teach Letters and Sounds phonics lessons. In the event of remote learning being required the teacher will let you know which video your child should access. Videos can be accessed on YouTube: Letters and Sounds Videos