
SATs a Wrap!

Well done, Year 6!

Today was dedicated to celebrating just how amazing Year 6 have been this week. They have taken the tests in their stride and shown such a brilliant attitude, a huge amount of resilience and excellent focus every single day.

They celebrated by spending some of the morning with their buddies building lego – what a treat! Then this afternoon, they went out onto the field for an afternoon of fun. They played volleyball, four square, football, listened to music and of course, enjoyed some delicious pizza from Pizza Napoli (thank you so much FOSS!).

Well done Year 6 – we are incredibly proud of you!


4 comments on “SATs a Wrap!

  1. Molly Foster says:


  2. Coco Matthews says:

    Thank you for the pizza. It was really yummy and I had a nice time!

  3. Thanks miss savage

    That was so fun I hope everyone enjoyed it

  4. Renata Campos says:

    What an amazing week! Full of challenges but also amazing opportunities to celebrate all the Year 6 💥 🥳
    Thank you all the amazing staff for all the support and encouragement ❤️

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