
A great first week back.

Welcome back to everyone and a very happy new year!

Firstly, thank you to all the children/ grown-ups who gave me and Laura a present just before the Christmas holiday.  They were all very much appreciated and enjoyed!

The children have settled well into their usual routines and we have had a lovely first week back.  Our writing has started with Michael Morpurgo’s The Pied Piper of Hamelin and the children have been listening to the first few pages about the rats that have invaded the town!  They have been using a thesaurus to find wonderful words to describe the movement of rats and a dictionary to find interesting adjectives to describe them.

In maths we have continued with multiplication and division and the relationship between the two.  We have been focussing on the 3 and 4 times table and the children have done brilliantly in linking the two and finding all the facts in the family.  Next week we will be starting on the 8 times table.

In geography we have been looking at how land is used in the South West of England and thinking about where we would build our own settlement that was safe, and had access to food and water, which tied in nicely with our look last term at settlements in the Stone Age and Iron Age.

Have a very restful and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.



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