
A surprise visit!

We had a surprise visit this morning from White Watch, Weymouth fire station!

As part of our topic, starry night, we wanted to find out more about people who sometimes work at night.

We went outside in time to see the fire engine arriving at school. We had our photograph taken next to the fire engine with white watch.

We found out lots of information about how the firefighters work at night time. They showed us different equipment and lots of ways of lighting it up as they work. We saw torches of different sizes and very bright lights. We even saw glow sticks they use! It was really interesting finding this out and we were great listeners.

Then we were lucky enough to go inside the fire engine to have a look.


We had a look at some more equipment and the hose to finish our visit.

We had such a great time and have found out so much information today. A big thank you for visiting us. We especially enjoyed hearing the horn and the siren as you left.


4 comments on “A surprise visit!

  1. Orla was excited to tell me about this last night. She said Roux’s daddy came in a fire engine, I wasn’t quite sure whether to believe her! Looks like they all enjoyed it and learnt lots. Thank you

  2. Emily Garratt says:

    Brilliant, Clara-May loved seeing the fire truck. Thank you 😊

  3. Liam loved learning about the fire engine and said he wants to be a fireman when he is older!
    Thank you!

  4. Hi Becky, if Liam, or anyone else in the class for that matter, ever want a personal tour of the fire station, just let me know.

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