
Exploring Cities with Year 1

This week we have been busy learning all about our topic ‘Bright Lights Bit City’. As part of this learning we have been focusing on Geography, more specifically our school and it surrounding areas.

This week we have focused on…

  • physical features of our local environment
  • human features in our local environment
  • the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities
  • ariel views of our school and the surrounding areas
  • weather in the UK linking with seasons

Below you can see some pictures of us using ariel view maps to draw our own map focused on human features such as roads, shops and other buildings. We worked in groups for this activity which meant we needed to be reciprocal learners just like Agent BuzzBee.

Part of this topic focuses specifically on capital cities, which meant we had some work to do involving what makes a city a city? What are the key characteristics of a city and are there any cities that we already know? Our search lead us to London.. which we now know is the Capital City of our country, England!

We learnt about famous landmarks that you might see in London and why landmarks are important. We then had a go at drawing our favourite London Landmarks. We only used pencil, so we had to focus on line and shape rather than colour or tone. This was tricky to begin with, but we didn’t give up as we are resilient learners in Year 1.

Below you can see James and George proudly holding their London Landmark drawings.


Well done Year 1 – another great week.

Keep up the super learning! I wonder what we will learn next week….


One comment on “Exploring Cities with Year 1

  1. Sophie Murray says:

    Wow! What super Geographers you are Year One. George has been teaching us all about human and physical features and has enjoyed learning more from his world book at home. Thanks Miss Curtis and Mrs Jones for providing such great learning experiences.

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