What an amazing first term we have had in year 1!
We have been so impressed with how well the children have transitioned from Reception class since September and how quickly they have settled into a new routine and more formal style of learning with us. We are incredibly proud of the ‘can do’ attitudes that we have seen over the term and resilience that has been shown. Particularly when tackling new and challenging learning which we have never seen before.
Below is a gallery of some of the highlights from this term, including…
Forest school fun
Making collages, drawing and creating self portraits
Learning weather themed songs and playing along with our instruments
Using and learning how to use lots of different resources and representations in maths
Looking at images of childhood in the past and comparing this to childhood now
Learning how to play games from the past – marbles and hopscotch
Starting our new phonics and reading scheme – Little Wandle and visiting the new library
Using atlases to compare hot and cold countries
and much much more!!
Well done everyone.
We can’t wait to see you all back at school in January for another term of super learning.
Happy Holidays!
Miss Curtis & Mrs Jones
Thank you both so much for all of your support & hard work this term. Ostin loves coming to school and I can’t thank you enough for making learning a fun experience for him & making it a smooth transition from reception. We really appreciate your dedication . Hope you have a fab Christmas and enjoy your well earned break and your presents. Merry Christmas !!
George loves school! Thank you both for your care, hard work and for making learning so much fun. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a well earned rest.