
BOOKFLIX @Bedtime: ‘The New Small Person’ by Lauren Child

🌙 Another bedtime story from Southill Primary, time to settle down and get cosy:

The New Small Person‘ by Lauren Child
Read by Mrs Jones

Elmore Green started off life as an only child, as many children do. But one day, everything changed! We really enjoyed this tale of adjustment, following a rocky road to absolute love and appreciation of a new sibling – with jelly beans thrown in too (but NOT the orange ones).

‘Sweet dreams’ from all of us



One comment on “BOOKFLIX @Bedtime: ‘The New Small Person’ by Lauren Child

  1. a.puddick says:

    “It was a very lovely book, thank you.”
    “I liked the end of the story. It made me happy.”
    “I hope you feel proud of yourself for reading that story. You were resilient and never gave up.”
    “That was brilliant!”
    “I liked it when he said Albert.”
    “I loved that book. I’d like to hear the end again.”
    “I liked it because he was called Albert, like my buddy!”
    “I liked it when he let his baby brother play with him.”
    “I liked when they shared with each other.”
    Thank you Mrs Jones. From Reception Class

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