This week we started a new text – a recount called Bye-bye Big Bad Wolf. In this recount Pom-Pom Pig tells us how he beat the Big Bad Wolf. On Monday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Pom-Pom Pig which was a fantastic introduction to our new text. We have been learning the text in class. This is going really well but please keep practising at home. The better we know it the better we can use it to create our own recount writing. We have been learning how recounts are written in the past tense and first person.
Our learning in maths continues with length and height, making comparisons, ordering problem solving and using the four operations.
We have been busy in the garden sketching and weeding the raised beds ready for planting out our sun flowers. We have explored the germination of seeds and the growth of roots and shoots from cloves of garlic.
We have also started to make our scented gifts… a surprise is in store!
Have a look through our photos to see all the fantastic learning we are doing.
PomPom Pig looks very familiar, but I can’t think where i recognise her from!
Photos look great!