
Changing Me

This week we have been learning all about changes.

As part of our Jigsaw lessons we have been looking at lifecycles, talking about how animals and humans are still the same but changes happen to their bodies as they develop and enter different stages of their lives. We started off looking at the Lifecyle of a frog. We talked about the physical changes it goes through, from frogspawn to tadpole, to froglet and finally a frog. We then linked this with the stages if human life which we have learnt about before, as part of our Childhood topic.

A big part of our Jigsaw lesson learning this half term is to understand that changes happen as we grow and that this is OK. It is important that we understand that some changes will happen whether we want them to or not and that it is important to develop ways to cope with change.

We talked about how we have changed through our lives, sharing things that we have learnt to do now that we couldn’t do before, for example, riding a bike or learning how to walk and talk! We also spoke about things that have stayed the same such as our families, some of our friends, our homes and some of our physical features such as hair or eye colours. In the photos you can see us drawing and labelling our flower templates with different things that we can do now that we have grown and are still growing.

Another key part of our Jigsaw lessons focuses on our bodies and knowing how they have changed since we were babies. We discussed how growing up is natural and that everybody grows at different rates. We focused on different bodies parts and discussed the importance of respecting our own bodies and other peoples through understanding that some body parts are private.

Talking about change and understanding that change can be both a little bit scary but also exciting is really important, particularly at this time of the year as we start to think about the transition to a new year group. We will continue to work on this throughout the summer term.

Well done Year 1. Lots of new and exciting things ahead to look forward too!


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