
Classifying Vertebrates

This afternoon in Science, Year 6 started to learn about classification of animals. The children used their prior knowledge from Year 4 to start to think about how to classify animals, in particular animals in the five vertebrate groups. This includes: mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds.

For each animal the children had sorts the animals by answering the following questions:

Is the animal warm or cold blooded?

What are they covered with?

Do they give birth to live young or lay eggs?

Do they feed their young with milk?

What organ do they use to breathe?

The children worked together in pairs to write up their explanations on each animal, making sure to use the correct vocabulary. Well done Year 6. Next week, we will have a go at creating our own classification key!

One comment on “Classifying Vertebrates

  1. Molly 🦒🦒🦒😃 says:

    This was good 😃💙

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