
Creating Clay Canopic Jars

Creating Clay Canopic Jars


With Mrs. Aitken on a Monday afternoon, Year 4 have been developing their art and design skills. They began by looking at the similarities and differences between statues, statuettes and figurines from various ancient civilisations. They have also been learning all about canopic jars which were used as part of the mummification process in Ancient Egypt. These jars were used to store and preserve human organs of the own in preparation for the afterlife…YUCK! The children were tasked with drawing a detailed sketch of a canopic jar which featured the head of either a jackal, a falcon, a baboon or a human to represent the four sons of Horus.

This afternoon, the children, in 3D format using clay, started to make a coil pot for the jar. Next week, the children will mould and create the head separately which will act as a lid for their jars. Stay tuned as we will post the finished jars next week…


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