Today we have been learning all about digital writing.
We started the day talking about different ways that you can write things down, you could use pens and paper, or a whiteboard. You can also use a computer or a tablet. We have been focusing today on how using a computer to write and share information is much easier than writing down the same things lots and lots of times! Especially if you are sharing the same information.
This lead onto looking back at our Geography learning so far and listing lots of different facts about London ready to create our own London Leaflet.
Getting started took us a little while as it is really tricky to log uin to Purple Mash with individual usernames and passwords, but we were all really resilient.
Once we got started WOW! Year 1 you were brilliant, we learnt about the keyboard and the different keys, how to add and remove text as well as add capital letters into our writing for proper nouns and the start of each sentence.
We are so proud of the fantastic effort that you all put into todays learning and how willing you were to help out one another.
A great computing session today, well done everyone!