Dojo Delight
A Magical Day in Year 5
Since returning to school in September, the children have been working exceptionally hard to earn Dojo points. We set them a target of 3,000 points, and they could earn these in a variety of ways:
- Passing book quizzes
- Logging into TT Rockstars
- Demonstrating our Southill learning powers
- Being kind and caring towards others
- Producing impressive pieces of work
- Being a “2%er”
Last week, the class successfully reached their ambitious goal of 3,000 Dojo points! To celebrate, they chose a rather extravagant treat. Today, the children were allowed to wear pyjamas to school, bring in sweet treats, blankets, and pillows, and enjoy a movie together.
Having recently read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a class, the children were unanimous in their choice of film. It was wonderful to see everyone relax and unwind, transforming our classroom into a magical cinema experience.
This achievement has left the class more motivated than ever to double their Dojo points. We’re setting our sights on 6,000 points and another exciting treat to look forward to!
Well done, Year 5. What a MAGICAL day at school!
I had so much fun!!!
Bet day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
this was the best day ever!