This week at forest school we have been learning about different types of animals and their habitats. We looked at how some animals ‘burrow’ below the ground, and some ‘nest’ high up above us in the trees. Did you know a badger’s home is called a sett?
We also found out some fun new facts about owls and their ‘twit twoo’ noises!!
It was great to see the children more confident to go off and explore the area this week. We had different groups making up their own games, collecting and comparing worms and even transporting the Tawny Owl and her babies using a zip line!!! In the mud kitchen dinner preparation and cooking were in full swing and of course the Mud Warriors made a return harvesting the ‘biggest logs’ and painting their faces with mud.
Some of us had a go at creating our own woodland creature counter on a small piece of chopped wood, we also finished off our session with a great gameĀ of ‘hedgehog’ which you can see in some of the pictures and our video below.
We all CANNOT WAIT for next week!