
Every Day COUNTS – Attendance Matters

Every day COUNTS! Your attendance matters and so do you …

Good school attendance is a really important part of giving children the best possible start in life.  We want all our pupils to be in school on time every day because each and every child is an important part of our school community and it’s not the same when anyone is missing. Even one day out of school will mean that a child has missed out on what the rest of the class have learned or experienced leaving gaps in their knowledge. For some children, it can be very difficult to catch up.

We know that good attendance results in a higher chance of success at school and in future careers. We have huge aspirations for all our pupils and want them to have choices in their lives. Our teachers plan carefully to ensure that all children are given the very best learning opportunities every day in school.

Good attendance really affects:

Academic Achievement
Consistent Learning: Regular attendance ensures pupils do not miss out on important lessons, helping them to understand, know and remember more.
Better Performance: Pupils who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve higher grades and test scores.

Social Development
Friendships: Regular attendance allows pupils to form good relationships with their peers and increases their sense of belonging.
Teamwork: Participating in group activities and projects helps pupils learn how to work collaboratively.

Emotional Wellbeing
Routine and Stability: Consistent attendance provides a stable routine which is crucial for emotional and mental wellbeing.
Support Systems: Regular school attendance ensures pupils have access to support systems, including teachers, teaching assistants and ELSAs etc.

Long-term Benefits
Future Opportunities: Good attendance habits set the foundation for future success in higher education and employment.
Resilience and Responsibility: Developing the habit of regular attendance instils a sense of responsibility and resilience.

In each year there are 190 school days and 175 non-school days. If you’re worried about your child’s attendance please come and chat with us, our parent champion Tracey Hodder can support families with attendance – Paul and Caroline are always an available to help too.

Every day counts … 

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