
Farewell, Year 6!

The time has come to say farewell to our lovely Year 6 class! They have had a truly wonderful year packed with so many great memories: fossil hunting in Charmouth, dressing as evacuees at the Nothe Fort, a pizza party, drawing with our buddies, volleyball on the field, rounders in the sunshine, surfing in St Ives, dissecting hearts in science and so much more!

The children have worked so hard and I am so proud of the progress they have made in all areas of their learning. They have grown in confidence and created some amazing memories together.

The class have had a lovely last week spending time with their buddies, playing games, watching the talent show, signing t-shirts and playing games on the field.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone. Thank you so much for the lovely cards, messages and gifts, and for your comments after the Leavers’ Assembly.

Now, it is time to say goodbye! Have a wonderful summer and good luck for Year 7 – I know you will all be superstars! Well done team!!!


One comment on “Farewell, Year 6!

  1. Cried looking at these. Farewell southill

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