Welcome back Reception Class – it’s great to have you back for a new term of fun and learning. We have had a busy week learning all about characters and settings. We talked about characters in stories that we had listened to in the holidays such as The Tiger Who Came to Tea and the Snail and the Whale. Unfortunately Mrs Puddick wasn’t very well this week and we missed her but we did have fun learning some new stories – Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle, Hairy Maclary From Donaldson’s Dairy, Owl Babies and The Lonely Scarecrow. Ask the children if they can tell you about the characters or the setting from a story they enjoyed. We made our own books about our favourites.
We have also been practising our phonics knowledge by writing words and captions, learning number bonds to 5, been outside to play on the bikes and scooters and did music and movement in the hall. What a great week!
Mrs Wood
Great work Georgia
Good work reception
Good work