
Musical Fitness Thursday – Obstacle Course Edition

Musical Fitness Thursday – Obstacle Course Edition


This morning saw the return of our sponsored obstacle course. It’s quite simple really. Children needed to turn up at 8:15 and complete as many laps of the obstacle course as they possibly could. That’s right…30 minutes of non-stop exercise!

It proved quite a challenge, however the children were incredibly resilient as they knew that ALL of the money they had raised would be going towards a great cause; our very own Music Studio.

The Bronze Ambassadors were very encouraging, as were all spectators and the children were incredible. A huge thank you to FOSS, especially Becca and Sheena for preparing an awesome obstacle course, thank you to parents for getting the children to school slightly earlier than usual and thank you for Mr. Frampton for capturing the action on his camera. Whilst it was a challenging task, it was also incredibly fun!

If you have any more cash donations, please ensure that these are given to the office by TOMORROW. You are also welcome to still donate online. Simply follow the link –

Well will announce the overall total in a few days time.

Tom 🙂

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