Our Stormbreak focus this week is ‘relationships’. We started off by discussing what positive relationships make us feel like. Some children said they feel ‘loved, cared for and trust that person’.
The children then listed things that make them a good friend, including using kind words, kind hands and feet, sharing, listening to one another and taking turns.
We then put our communication skills to the test and demonstrated our learning powers of working ‘reciprocally’ to complete our stormbreak activity called ‘follow my lead’. We used our outdoor learning environment (and were lucky to enjoy the sunshine too!) to take turns as ‘leaders’ and the other children followed behind copying the leader’s latest move! The children were very creative with their moves as you can see below! We then had a go at working in pairs and seeing how quickly the other person could follow their partners lead! This was great fun for all and it was lovely to see the children really focused and communicating brilliantly with their partners. Great work, Year 3!
George is really enjoying Year 3. Thank you for helping him settle in so quickly and for all the fun learning activities.