
Forest School final sessions – pancakes, bubbles and dens

And with a blink of an eye, it was suddenly our last session together.  But what a fantastic session we had.  A new game called Stealth was introduced, and then onto the den building.  There were lots of excited screams and laughter from the woods as the battle of the dens commenced.  With two teams trying to attack each other’s dens, there was great teamwork and communication.   Meanwhile, by the fire circle, giant bubbles were being made and some pond dipping was happening.  We then lit and enormous fire, weighed and measured ingredients and then pancakes on the roaring fire… well, 3 batches of pancakes actually!!  Gluten and egg free, banana and plain pancakes.  These were inhaled very quickly and it was back to the woodland for more play.  Some Forest Schoolers chose to have their lunch in their dens, which was so lovely.   Others sat around the fire pit just chatting and chilling.

It has been such a joy, getting to know each Forest Schooler.  They have grown in confidence, listened well and respond positively to one another.  They have taken risks safely and made so much progress individually.  I am so proud of them and it has been a privilege to have them as my last Forest School group at Southill.

As I am leaving Southill Primary School at the end of term,  I will be leaving future Forest School sessions at Southill in the more than capable hands of Emily England, who is also a Level 3 Forest School Leader.  Abby Matthews will continue her brilliant work as an amazing volunteer.   I know that they will do an incredible job and I am so glad that Forest School will continue.

One comment on “Forest School final sessions – pancakes, bubbles and dens

  1. Emily Jones says:

    Thank you Mrs B for giving all of the children the most fantastic experiences at forest school. We will all miss you so very much x
    And good luck with your first Southill forest school Emily! x

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