
Forest School Session 3 Building Dens

This week we started with a fun game of predator and prey.  The adults were pretty puffed out being chased by everyone!

We then had a lock down drill which meant we needed to get into the school as quickly and sensibly as possible.  The Forest Schoolers were fantastic and were super sensible and we joined year 4 and 3 in their classes.   We then went back outside to learn how to tie a timber hitch ready for den building.

And den building we did.  We needed to work as a team, communicate well and keep persevering.

Look at these wonderful dens we made. We were very resourceful and used stones as weights and sticks as poles!

We visited each den aand talked about the tricky bit of its construction and the parts we were most proud of.

Then it was time for some free choice – some of us choose to help to get snacks ready 9hot chocolate and cut up apples) while others wrote up our Forest School Friendship Code that we decided on in week 1.  There was also lots of squeals of laughter from the woods!

We then finished with a cup of hot chocolate in our dens before discussing plans for next week.

5 comments on “Forest School Session 3 Building Dens

  1. Lisa Linaker says:

    Wow it looks like everyone had a fantastic afternoon 😊

  2. Thank you very much. I love forest school! 😀🌳

  3. Katie Dunne says:

    Well done everyone, looks fab. Arthur is sad to have missed Forrest school this week ☹️

  4. We really missed Arthur’s smiley face yesterday. Looking forward to when he is back and raring to go! Fingers crossed for next week.

  5. Katie Dunne says:

    Thank you, his bag is all ready to go for next week already! ☺️

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