
Forest School session 6. Rain, thunder and lightning!

Today, we came out dressed to face the elements; we were head to foot in waterproofs and these were much needed!  Or first activity was ‘turn the tarp’.  As a team, we needed to all stand on the tarpaulin and then come up with a method to turn it over to the other side without anyone falling off!  It took several attempts, but we got there!

Then we had a go at tying knots – this was a crucial skill for our next activity of den building.  We managed a variety of knots before learning how to tie a timber hitch.  Everyone successfully managed this – and it is not easy!  All Forest Schoolers showed amazing listening skills and resilience.  We then ventured into the woods to apply our new skill and make our dens.  Everyone worked well as a team, but Mother Nature had other ideas.  With a flash of lightening and a rumble of thunder, we needed to get out of the woodland quickly and retreat to safety.

We then watched on from the protection of the roof outside years 2 and 3 at the rain!  It was torrential and mini floods and rivers appeared.   Once we knew the lightening had stopped and it was safe, we went and played in the rain!  There was splashing of puddles, walking up and down the rivers on the playground and generally having fun.

The afternoon was rounded off by a nice cup of hot chocolate and some biscuits just as the sun came out!  We embraced all the weather that the afternoon threw at us and we had a wet and wonderful afternoon.


2 comments on “Forest School session 6. Rain, thunder and lightning!

  1. fiona wilson says:

    Toby had a brilliant afternoon thank you so much 💙

  2. t.butler says:

    It was the wettest Forest School yet and Toby certainly embraced it!! I’m so glad he had a lovely time. Thank you.

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