
Forest School Summer Term Week 4 – Timber hitches, tarps and a toad (or frog!)

We started the session with the bat and moth game. Bats navigate and find insect prey using echolocation. They produce sound waves at frequencies above human hearing, called ultrasound.  We needed to be able to hear the moth in our game though, so we used a shaker.  The bat had to shut their eyes and then followed the sound to try and catch the moth.  It was great fun and there was a lot of laughter.

We then listened to the story of the Greenman and heard how he looks after woodland and nature.  Then it was off to learn about timber hitches as some of the group wanted to make a den.

During free choice this week, the pond was back on the agenda with some wonderful catches and identification using the keys.  Of course, there were tadpoles, great water boatmen and pond skaters, but here were also some dragonfly nymphs and a possible a damselfly nymph.  There was great excitement when not only a newt, but a frog was caught too.  What a thriving habitat we have going on in our pond area.  The frog wasn’t going to stay put for long though so we couldn’t study it closely.  It was returned carefully to the safety of the pond.

We also foraged wild garlic for our homemade flat breads, made a shelter,  which withstood the wind, swung on the hammock, cooked on the fire and enjoyed working as a team on the slackline!  What a busy and physical afternoon.  Great work Forest Schoolers!


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