Today, we had a go at playing ‘sardines’ and we had one child, who was a super stealth hider. It took the rest of us over 10 minutes to locate her and then squash in and hide beside her! Brilliant blending in with the surroundings and also keeping still and quiet.
Using blackberries that we collected from our wonderful school grounds, made made some dye by squashing and mashing them in some water to make a pulp. We left loads for the wasps and other insects who seemed to be very interested in the sweet fruits. Then we made some flag shapes from cotton material and then got about the business of tying stones inside the sheeting with rubber bands – this was to make a tie dye effect. The rubber bands had to be super tight so the dye wouldn’t get to that part of the material. It was a tricky skill but we gradually got the hand of it. We then soaked our material in the dye for 30 minutes while we went and completed some other activities such as lying in the hammock, playing in the woods and pond dipping with the new nets.
Our completed flags were so amazing and also surprisingly vibrant. What an amazing natural colour given to us from nature. The flags are drying in our Units and will be ready to take home before the end of the week.
I’m looking forward to next week already!