
Forest School Week 4. Hide and seek and God’s eyes

We found some fascinating fungi growing in three places in the fire circle.  We showed excellent stewardship, and left them there as they are important decomposers in most ecosystems.  It was lovely to see them among the daisies.

This week we revisited out magic spots and focused on the different colours in nature we could see.  A lot of children reported back that they managed to see every colour of the rainbow in nature from where they sat.   Fantastic observation skills!  Then we played hide and seek which was explained by one of the year children.  We had great fun hiding (adults included) and once we were caught, we worked as a team to find others.

We then needed to find 2 sticks roughly the same length and thickness  in preparation for making our God’s eyes.  We needed to use the secateurs to cut them to the right length and then lash them together in a cross shape.  The children listened really carefully to the instructions, and although some were doubtful about their abilities and succeeding, everyone had a go.  And do you know what, they were brilliant.  No one gave up and they kept going and they all managed to produce a God’s eye.  We were so proud of their resilience and determination.  What else was lovely to see was then connections that children in the group have started to make with one another.  They were helping and encouraging one another – it was wonderful to both see and hear.  Great work!

So our home made guacamole with wild garlic has gone on hold until next week as time ran away with us, and before we knew it, time was up!  However, there was time for a chat around the fire circle with some hot chocolate, reflecting on what we were proud about and also coming up with ideas about activities next week’s session.


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