
Fun at Vurlands Farm

We have had an amazing day at Vurlands Farm today. We managed to complete our outdoor activities before the rain arrived too!

There were so many amazing birds and animals for us to see and we were lucky enough to have a bag of animal feed each. We enjoyed feeding animals such an donkeys, ponies, deer and pigs. We hope you enjoy looking at these photos of our animal encounters.


We had to make time for snacks and lunch too!

There was a great play area outside where we enjoyed swings, slides, a boat and a zipwire!


There was even an enchanted woods!

Just as the rain arrived we went to play in the soft play area and on the bouncy castle.

Thanks for a wonderful day – we are so proud of the children. Thanks also to the adults who come along to help. We very much appreciate your support.

3 comments on “Fun at Vurlands Farm

  1. mrs kench says:

    Reception class you all were so amazing on our class trip today , It was such a fun day and I was so proud of you all !!! I think we all tried something new today .

  2. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    Thank you so so much for taking Belle to the farm, she has non stopped talked about her day since she got back. She throughly enjoyed herself. The picture of her on the swing with Mrs Kench is definitely one of my favourites. Thank you Mrs Puddick and Mrs Kench.

  3. Sophie Murray says:

    What a fantastic trip! Thank you so much. Eddie really enjoyed it.

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