
Headteacher’s blog

It has been a great week here at SP – we have all enjoyed the sunshine and made the most of it by getting outside and learning in our fabulous grounds.

Reception Class had their first full week with all children in all day. They have settled so well and we are all very proud of them. Well done everyone (including the staff!) You all deserve a lovely rest this weekend.

Fruit Snack If your child brings a snack for playtime, please ensure it is a piece of fruit. Thank you.

Uniform The children are looking super smart. Just a reminder that trainers are ok on PE days but not at any other time. Thank you for your support with this.

Attendance Our school is part of the Chesil Collaboration – a group of seven local primary schools working together to improve children’s learning opportunities. Together we have agreed an attendance statement which I have attached and also an infographic produced by one of the schools to explain the new rules about being late or taking your child out of school.


Colour Run  Tickets are selling out fast but there’s still time to get yours! Join us on Sunday from 11.00am for rainbowtastic fun. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Fitness Thursday It’s great to see so many families arriving early on Thursdays for a healthy start to the day. Next Thursday Matt will be leading Hula Havoc on the top playground from 8.30. Parents are warmly invited to join in. Show off your skills, it’s a great workout!

Bike Bus Numbers are a little depleted on Friday morning’s Bike Bus. It would be a shame if this stopped because it’s such a good way for children to learn about riding safely on the roads and of course it’s a very healthy and fun way to come to school. I’m going to join the Bike Bus next Friday and there’ll be a flapjack treat for everyone who joins in. Come along and join the fun.

Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a lovely weekend.



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