Welcome back
It’s been a fabulous start to the new term – the children seem pleased to be back, we’re all delighted not to be stuck in bubbles or in face masks any longer, and even the weather’s been good (mostly). I am grateful to all our parents for easing so smoothly back into ‘normal’ school arrangements – especially those parents of Year 1 and Year 2 children who only really know school life under covid.
It was really good to get back to real-life assemblies too. A reminder that we have a slot in Friday’s assemblies for children to share any awards, certificates or medals they have won in clubs outside of school. So, if they win anything, we’d love to see it to share in the celebration.
Some of you will remember that, in the past, parents were invited to the Friday celebration assembly. We are taking things slowly at the moment to keep numbers down in the hall, but hope to restart inviting parents soon.
FOSS had their first meeting for a while this week. They are full of plans and ideas for fundraising and social events. They have sent you the minutes of their meeting on Ping. They are a great team who do fantastic work for the children, so it would be great to see new faces at the AGM on Tuesday 28th September at 6.30 at school. You are all very welcome.
Parking around school
An aspect of school life that often brings me into unwanted conflict with parents is the congestion around school, particularly at the end of the day. We like to get on with our neighbours and to co-exist happily side-by-side, so please can you help us foster good relationships with local residents by:
- not driving or parking on the pavements
- not driving onto the grass island (not only does it ruin the grass, the area is planted with bulbs)
- not parking across driveways
Many thanks for your help with this.
Active Travel Plan
On a related note, don’t forget that the school encourages parents and children to use our Active Travel Plan. We suggest that – to avoid congestion around school at the start and end of the school day – parents park in the large car-park at the shops and walk up the hill. We’ve timed the walk and it only takes 5 minutes. It’s better for the environment and for the children. I hope you will consider this instead of trying to find a parking space outside school. Please see our page on the website for more information: https://www.southill.dorset.sch.uk/parents-carers/active-travel-plan/
Early warning: Parents’ Evenings
Following the same format as the July meetings, we are planning three parents’ evenings before half term when you will be able to discuss your child’s progress so far this term with their teacher:
1. Tuesday 19th October 3.30-5.30pm
2. Wednesday 20th October 3.30-5.30pm
3. Thursday 21st October 3.30-5.30pm
If your child receives extra support in class, you may be invited in at a separate time to review progress with the class teacher and Mrs Trimmer, our SENDCo.
Thanks again to everyone for helping us make such a smooth and positive start to the term.
Dorset Council have asked us to share the following information with parents…
1. Back to school – tips for parents and carers
a. This BBC Parents’ Toolkit offers advice to help children adjust to the new school year, with practical tips and support around resilience, mental health and starting a new school.
For example, we all know that sleep is very important for children’s mental health and wellbeing, as well as their development. Getting children into good sleeping habits can often be a challenge especially when they might have enjoyed a more relaxed bedtime schedule over the summer.
Here are some tips to assist parents in helping their children build healthy sleep routines to ensure they are well-rested and school-ready.
b. ‘How was your day?’
After a child’s first day back at school or in the classroom, it can sometimes be tough getting them to open up and share how they’re feeling.
Instead of asking the typical “how was your day?”, as an alternative you could try using one of these questions that have been compiled by BigLifeJournal.
These conversations starters for parents and carers are much more fun and interesting, and children may answer with more than a single word.
See the conversation starters.
2. Covid guidance for families
Here is the latest guidance for sharing with families: Returning to school – Autumn term letter Dorset Council (publichealthdorset.org.uk)
3. Please invite families to sign up for FIS
Dorset Council is asking families to sign-up for free advice, assistance, and updates from our brilliant Family Information Service. They help families find childcare, fun things to do and services for young people, including leisure, health and much more. Families can check-out the directory – link here – and sign-up for our free monthly FIS e-newsletter, which is packed with useful resources, events and fun ideas.