
Investigating Acids and Alkalis

This afternoon, Year 6 were visited by pupils of Budmouth Sixth Form to experience a secondary school science lesson! First, they were introduced to two new words: acids and alkalis.

The pupils from Budmouth explained what these terms meant and showed us a colour scale (called the PH scale) which helped you to identify whether something is an acid or an alkali. The pH scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) through 7 (neutral) to 14 (very alkaline). The class were given an indicator which changed the colour of a solution. This solution turned a different colour and the children could compare the colour to the PH scale to see if it were an acid or an alkali.

They even had a challenge to see if they could create their own image with all the colours!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Budmouth and their pupils from Sixth Form for coming in an giving us a taste of what secondary school science is like!

One comment on “Investigating Acids and Alkalis

  1. Renata Campos says:

    What a lovely opportunity for all the Year 6s 🤩
    Josh came home sharing how fun was his Science lesson today! 💥

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