
Leaf Printing

We love exploring nature in our class so today, as artists, we used leaves as our inspiration. This also supported our phonics learning – we found out about words ending with -ed, so ‘printed’ was one of our new words.

We painted leaves, then printed them very carefully onto paper to see the details on the leaves. Everyone was so careful as they worked. Once the pictures are dry, we will send them home for you to enjoy.

Here are some photos of the children in action. Many thanks Mrs Hill for supporting the children.

2 comments on “Leaf Printing

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    So sweet, another fab day in Reception, we will be so sad to leave this classroom & the wonderful Mrs Puddick and Mrs Kench 🙂

  2. That looks so fun! ☺️☺️☺️

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