Let’s Start Stormbreaking Together
Our theme this week in Stormbreak is ‘Hope and Optimism’. We began by watching this short animation in order to find out what these emotions looked like…
Hope and Optimism Animation – YouTube
Children in years 4 and 5 were then asked to go on a ‘Buddy Run’ together on the playground in order to develop their social skills with someone else from a different class. The children were asked to think optimistically, go into the task with an open mind and try to find out what their partner had been learning about in their topic lessons.
At first, a lot of the children felt anxious and nervous about this, however after completing a few laps and talking to their fellow Southill student, they soon realised that it wasn’t that bad after all.
We then reflected on this back in class and discussed the importance of sometimes stepping outside our comfort zone. We also explained that it’s ok to feel anxious and nervous about things from time-to-time and sometimes obstacles hard at first, but can be conquered with a pinch of optimism.
Thank you to Year 5 for Stormbreaking with us!
Mr. Prior
I really enjoyed talking to someone different