There are so many wonderful things to share with you this week – we hope you enjoy finding out about it!
Time for Two! – as well as opportunities to learn as a class and in larger groups, this week we have tried to set up areas for learning in smaller groups of 2 and 3. Here we are reading, making books, threading, playing cafes, lego building, small world play, making puzzles and digging in the sand.
As mathematicians, we have enjoyed our pretend drinks cafe and our playdough bakery! So many opportunities for vocabulary such as full, empty, scoops, bigger, smaller…
Finally, a wonderful Wednesday afternoon with our Buddies. A calm time for sharing books and colouring together.
What a great week – so many other things to celebrate too: phonics, reading, writing, outdoor learning…..
What a fun week for reception!
What a brilliant week for reception class 😊