
Meeting Biscuits!

What a treat we had in Year 2 this afternoon with a lovely visit from Cat and Biscuits, the most inquisitive and adorable ferret!
The children made space to all sit together and see Biscuits at the same time and sat really carefully and quietly so as not to scare her. Cat gave a lovely introduction to Biscuits and showed how she sits for a biscuit treat!
The children asked some really great questions about Biscuits age, size, diet and favourite habits. Can you see that Biscuits is in fact 55cm long from the point of her nose to the tip of her tail?!

Thank you Cat for bringing Biscuits in to see us today and well done Year 2 for sitting so beautifully and asking such thoughtful questions.


4 comments on “Meeting Biscuits!

  1. That looks really fun 😊☺️☺️

  2. It was fun Lola! 😊

  3. Sam Miller says:

    We heard lots at home about Biscuits! James definitely enjoyed this visit πŸ™‚

  4. That’s really great to hear 😊 It was such a lovely visit!

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