
Merry Christmas!

Phew! What a term Year 5!

We have travelled to ancient China, outer space and across the globe. We have added, subtracted, multiplied and divided numbers up to 1,000,000 and converted equivalent fractions larger and smaller than 1.

We have played tag rugby and held our balance in gymnastics. We have studied Sikhism, Christianity and thought about ourselves and our emotions and relationships. We have built systems using crumble and we have conducted experiments to answer scientific questions. We have learnt that a bowling ball falls at the same rate as a feather and we have tested the speed of cars on different surfaces.

And this is not even everything we have learnt this term so I think it is safe to say we have well and truly started Year 5 exceptionally well!

Enjoy your positivity baubles coming home today which contain positive messages from the whole class. This will be a truly magical treat to open on Christmas day or when you are ready. You can also hang your gorgeous pine cone decorations on your Christmas tree to enjoy all holidays.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you spend lots of quality time with your family and friends and relax and eat as much chocolate (orange!) as you can!

We will see you in 2023 ready for another fun-filled and fact-packed term of Year 5 fabulousness!

2 comments on “Merry Christmas!

  1. What a great year! I really enjoyed doing the crafts. Can’t wait to come back 🙂

  2. It’s been brilliant Sienna! We’re looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year too!

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